EN/ 中文
The End-less
LO Shao-Hui
The End-less
single-channel-video , digital image
The End-less
single-channel-video , digital image
01 / 10

Sunspot: The End-less, the new work of the exhibition, extends the scenario of the previous works to render the imagination about a sunspot. Sunspots are the phenomena on the photosphere of the Sun. They have direct effects on the Earth when they are active, and the indirect effects are also noticeable. The relationship between sunspots and humans provides a breeding ground for imagination and artistic inspiration. In the story, the black balloons, which symbolize the vitality of life, disperse to suggest the progress of sunspots from active to inactive. In the video, it is a daydream which needs not, or cannot, be understood. It is like how we perceive the images as visualized by photons reaching the retinas right when we open up our eyes. The words and the images seem so real in front of our eyes, but they are as unreachable as the far-away astronomical objects.

In the liminal space where dreams meet consciousness, a daydream takes place. The enigmatic narratives in the work are constituted by numerous molecule-like stories. There are countless parallel worlds connected with each other, where characters are duplicated and stories are extended until they become a giant labyrinth of images. We see no pre-arranged or pre-decided script in the work but only the fragments of scenes and images expressed with a very private language. It is the structure of the work – the mixture resulted from the crash between the mediated world and the private universe. Somehow, viewers accidently enter the “artificial” scenario, and a series of imaginations and mysteries roll in.

14 artworks / 15 exhibition
Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2009, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2010, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2012, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2011, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2012, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2011, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2009, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2010, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2011, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2013, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2010, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2012, Video Art
LO Shao-Hui, 2013, Video Art