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I drew a black area with conductive inks on the wall of the display room. When audience uses pencils to connect the different black parts, a conductive circuit will be formed for the conductive nature of pencils. Through the amplifier, the noise will form a sound. Pencil lines become functional drawing electric wires. And the sound can be erased by the materialized eraser. This work expresses directly, the existence of people, images and sound at the same time.

I tried to combine the audience’s thoughts, images and sound to achieve the status of an image with sound. I used conductive inks and pencils as media to turn resistance noises into sound through the feedback of circuits in the amplifier. Different sound frequencies will be produced with the size and thickness differences of drawing and erasing. The length and the size of each drawing will become a unique existence at the moment when audience ceases to draw. This work emphasizes on the interaction with audience to present various drawing lines and behaviors, to express the audience’s thoughts and actions at the moment through sound.

9 artworks / 59 exhibition
New Media Art
TSENG Wei-Hao, 2008, New Media Art
TSENG Wei-Hao, 2006, New Media Art
TSENG Wei-Hao, 2011, New Media Art
TSENG Wei-Hao, 2008, New Media Art
TSENG Wei-Hao, 2006, New Media Art
TSENG Wei-Hao, 2007, New Media Art
TSENG Wei-Hao, 2011, New Media Art
TSENG Wei-Hao, 2008, New Media Art